“Valve made it clear to us that they recognize and appreciate the creativity and motivation of the TF2 community, and were internally discussing the best way to let us express it. During the swell of public interest in the game in the midst of the #SaveTF2 content, the official Twitter for the Team Fortress 2 Classic mod made this statement regarding the return of public downloads. Months of radio silence for both mods led to confusion amongst the communities. While Valve had it in their best interest to protect their intellectual property, they also did not have malicious intentions with requesting the takedown. The code for each game was heavily dependent on a source code leak of a 2008 build of Team Fortress 2 that was made public around mid-2020. We'll keep you posted for further information.” This includes direct downloads to the mod through our website, Discord, and launcher. As of this post, downloads for TF2Classic are temporarily disabled due to an arrangement with Valve.