Add colour with a gradientįinally to finish making your logo in Photoshop, make any final adjustments you need to give it that special something. Move this point down a few grid squares, holding the Shift key to keep it locked on the y-axis. Use the Direct Selection tool, shortcut A, to click on the top-most point of the arrowhead, located at the centre of the canvas. Duplicate and edit the shapeĭuplicate the layer, by pressing cmd + J (ctrl + J) and click on the new layer to select it. Naming the layers isn't necessary for this project, but it can be very helpful in more complicated documents, where there are many layers. Use the pen to draw an arrowhead shape, starting at the centre-point of the canvas and using grid-line intersections for your other points (if you're not familiar with the pen tool, note that to draw a straight line, you simply click and release where you want the points to be – don't hold down an try to draw a line as if it were a brush). Select the Pen tool in the toolbar, or by pressing P, and make sure it’s set to Shape rather than Path in the box at the left of the Options bar.